– So, understanding the Google Ads Account Structure before creating a account in Google Ads is very important. -Google Ads account Contain Campaigns, Ad groups, and Ads. There are many filters available at different levels. The below image has a clear flow chart for the structure of the account, campaign, and some of the main […]

So, How to create a New Google Ads Account:- The creation of Google Ads (Google Ads) is very easy that anyone who has mail, Business, and billing information can create. -All the steps mentioned below to create a new Google Ads account. 1.Firstly Search for Google AdWords in Google. And Click on Google ads to […]
So, for Google AdWords, we Have different types of payment. Present ( acc. to 2021) we have 3 types of payment in Google AdWords. They are:- Automatic Payments Manual Payments Monthly invoicing 1.Automatic Payments:- -In automatic payments, We need to give the credit/Debit card from which we get automatically charged from Card given. Here in […]
To start adverting here are the important Basic Terms and formulas in Digital marketing mentioned below:- Landing Page or Final URL Targeting Audience PPC – Pay Per Click Impressions Clicks CTR (Click-Through-Rate) CPV (Cost Per View) CPM (Cost Per Mille) CPC (Cost Per Click) Conversions CPCV (Cost Per Complete View) CPConv. ( Cost Per Conversions […]
The available tools in tools panel of Adobe XD are:- The tools panel in Adobe XD is where we begin all our designs. The tool panel in Adobe XD has several aspects to design the project. The available tools are:- Select tool Rectangle tool Ellipse tool Line tool Pen tool Text tool Artboard tool Zoom […]
How to get and use UI Kits in Adobe XD

what are UI kits in Adobe XD: When beginning a project, it is very useful to start with UI elements, so that’s where these UI kits come handy.UI kits in Adobe XD have plenty of templates available for IOS, Android, Microsoft, and others. How to get UI kits in Adobe XD? So, when You open […]
-SEO Stands for-“Search Engine Optimization” ” Search Engine Optimization is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website to users of a search engine”. -In simple terms, it is being visible and ranking for a search term that a visitor types into a search engine.SEO […]