Health & Beauty

3 Best and Easy Homemade Lip Balm Recipes

Before getting into the Homemade lip Balm Recipes, Let us what is Lip Balm and it’s Benefits.

What is Lip balm?

Lip Balm

Lip Balm is a wax-like Sticky substance that is applied topically to the lips to moisturize and relieve chapped or dry lips ( and also for angular cheilitis, stomatitis, or cold sores.) It contains a moisturizing ingredient that prevents water loss.

Even If you are a minimum make-up person, surely your daily routine contains Lip Balm right? So, here are some Homemade lip balm Recipes for you, which are free of chemicals and could be made easily at home – they’ll help moisturize your lips and are completely safe for you.

Tip: For Better Health Try to take Vitamins as women need more nutrient supply.

1. Beetroot lip balm


  • ½ cup of grated Beetroot,
  • 1 tsp ghee or Coconut Oil

How to make it: Grate half Beetroot and strain the juice with the help of cotton cloth or cheesecloth. Mix the ghee or Coconut oil with the beetroot juice and refrigerate.

The pigments in the beetroot, help in the brightening dark, pigmented lips and give the lips natural reddish-pink color. Ghee has nourishing fatty acids which further act as a moisturizer.

2.Vitamin E lip balm


  • 3 Vitamin E capsules
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp grated cocoa butter
  • 1 tbsp green tea leaves (crushed)

How to make it: Melt the coconut oil on a low flame and add finely crushed green tea leaves to it and stir well. Allow it to cool down and strain the oil into a bowl through a cloth. Now melt the cocoa butter and then add it to the strained coconut oil. Cut the Vitamin E capsules and extract the oil from them. Then add it to the coconut oil mixture. Now, take the mix and keep it in the refrigerator for 6 hours. It’s Better to keep it in the refrigerator after every use.

Vitamin E helps to heal chapped lips and make them supple. Green tea is a rich antioxidant and reduces the redness and burning of chapped lips. Cocoa butter and coconut oil act as lubricants

3.Pomegranate lip balm


  • ¼ cup of pomegranate seeds
  • 1 tsp coconut oil

How to make it: Extract the juice from a cup of Pomegranate seeds using a spoon or a pestle and strain the juice with the cloth. Add melted coconut oil to the juice, transfer to a small container and refrigerate.

Pomegranate is rich in antioxidants and the coconut oil make the lips supple as it is rich in healthy fats.

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