Digital Marketing

How to create a New Google Ads Account

So, How to create a New Google Ads Account:- The creation of Google Ads (Google Ads) is very easy that anyone who has mail, Business, and billing information can create. -All the steps mentioned below to create a new Google Ads account. 1.Firstly Search for Google AdWords in Google. And Click on Google ads to […]

Digital Marketing

Types of payment in Google AdWords

So, for Google AdWords, we Have different types of payment. Present ( acc. to 2021) we have 3 types of payment in Google AdWords. They are:- Automatic Payments Manual Payments Monthly invoicing 1.Automatic Payments:- -In automatic payments, We need to give the credit/Debit card from which we get automatically charged from Card given. Here in […]

Digital Marketing

Basic Terms and Formulas in Digital Marketing.

To start adverting here are the important Basic Terms and formulas in Digital marketing mentioned below:- Landing Page or Final URL Targeting Audience PPC – Pay Per Click Impressions Clicks CTR (Click-Through-Rate) CPV (Cost Per View) CPM (Cost Per Mille) CPC (Cost Per Click) Conversions CPCV (Cost Per Complete View) CPConv. ( Cost Per Conversions […]